Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Welcome to Nerd Card Training

Welcome to Nerd Card Training.  This blog will accompany the YouTube channel of the same name.  The goal of this blog and video channel is to provide basic computer training in a comprehensive and approachable way.

I came up with the plan to start Nerd Card when my son had a friend come over who asked me a simple question:

"How does the Internet work?"

The kid was 16 and grew up online.  He goes to a good school, takes advanced classes, yet had no idea how the Internet worked.  After a few questions it became obvious that while this kid was very smart and an excellent student, he had somehow never learned how any of these computers worked or how they talk to each other in the magical way which makes the Internet possible.  I think it is far too often assumed that people know how all this works just because they use it every day.

If this kid could be left out of how the most important invention in human history works, then anyone could.  It is my intent to answer all of this kid's questions so that anyone else who does not know how it all comes together can learn it all.

I plan to cover all the information in a very basic way, from the beginning, and work my way up to the most advanced concepts over time.  The overall goal is to take someone from curious Internet user all the way up to a web developer and cover EVERY bit of technology between.

I also plan to cover various learning styles, so if you have tried to learn about technology in the past and not have had the success you desired, a varied approach might find a method which works for you.  There will be slides, blogs, videos, exercises, and other resources to help you learn the information provided.  In the end you will be able to mark your accomplishments with badges and certificates.  I hope the process will be fun and entertaining.